ScriptHookRDR2 V2 Mod

ScriptHookRDR2 V2 Mod
A working ScriptHook for the latest game patch. Build 1436.31
No reload support for scripts right now, will add tomorrow.
Everything else works the same just use this scripthook instead of AB’s.
If you want to draw lines include this native in your natives.h file:
NATIVE_DECL void DRAW_LINE(float fromX, float fromY, float fromZ, float toX, float toY, float toZ, int r, int g, int b, int a) { invoke(0xec2ab68b,fromX,fromY, fromZ, toX, toY, toZ, r, g, b, a); } //0xec2ab68b
You can use version.dll and LML again it got updated
Scripts tested with this Hook: Rampage, NativeTrainer (AB)
but many more scripts that are not dependent on either lml or version.dll should work aswell.