Art School Final by himawari

Art School Final by himawari
ReShade 4.4.2 overhaul preset.
Realism-based coloring and shading.
– Curves
– Tonemap
– Vibrance
If it suits your fancy, please endorse so others may find this utility as well. Thank you.
“Continuing down the path to violence.”
1. Install ReShade 4.4.2 from:
into your:
located in:
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\RedDeadRedemption2
2. Select Direct3D 10/11/12 and install all effects (or just the 3 effects listed above {it makes little difference}).
3. Drop this .ini file into that same
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\RedDeadRedemption2
4. That’s it.
In-game settings used: Brightness: 13/30 (i.e. I know there’s no counter but it’s +13 from the lowest setting {on my monitor anyway})
I absolutely adore this game and am proud to bring you my finest quality work for it. Rockstar truly outdid themselves for RDR2. This is my gift to you and thank you for your continued patronage and support.
Happy holidays.
Please re-download if newer version is available (I edit these things constantly)
Latest version: November 29, 2019 21:42 GMT