The Undead Cowboy Mod

The Undead Cowboy Mod
The Undead Cowboy from Undead Nightmare recreated to near perfection using the original textures, animations, and a couple of outfits.
John Marston raises from the dead this Halloween to be the true Legend of the Undead missing eye and all.
Enjoy being the Undead Cowboy once more with new animations, textures, and some of his outfits. More coming soon
Installation: take all the files and out them in your lml stream folder.
How do you use it? Go into rampage and change your ped variation while playing as John
Or Follow the instructions provided to turn your John undead via shopitems
Massive thanks to Abokai for his work on the animations.
Coming soon to the mod: Army of the Undead, RDR2 Cowboy, and RDR1 Cowboy.