RDR2 Epilogue II Post-Story Save Mod

RDR2 Epilogue II Post-Story Save Mod
This is a work in progress. It is my fifth save to 100% on PC since June. I’m doing this one right.
– Challenges. I used **RampageTrainer’s** `BypassCheatRestrictions` function to obtain and save all outfits, including the **Legend of the East**.
– Animal map icons. This will likely be the last thing I do. I’ve done it twice before, but on this run I won’t be adding icons like the Desert Ram in Big Valley or Armadillo at Caliga Hall.
– `Nekoti Rock` map area name.
– William encounters incomplete. (Farming `Special Miracle Tonic` for two Sage is a killer deal.)
– Nearly all map area and shack names, including `Planter’s Baun` and `Dormin Crest`. Only one left is `Nekoti Rock`.
– All retainable hats collected and saved to inventory. (Using **RampageTrainer’s** wardrobe hat assign/drop functions.)
– All weapons bought and customized. (Walnut stock, pebble leather, brass inlay engraving style varies by weapon, all blackened steel aside from trigger and hammer as browned steel.)
– Silver Dapple Pinto Missouri Fox Trotter (Saddled), White Arabian (Stabled), Rachel (Stabled), Buell (Stabled), Perlino Andalusian (Temporary Horse at **Beecher’s Hope**)
– Most missions completed honorably.
– Most stranger missions completed honorably.
– All random encounters completed honorably. Resulting shop discounts redeemed.
– All characters have been interacted with post-story. (Mickey, Joe Butler, Tilly, Pearson, Rains Fall, Mary Beth, etc.)
– All normally obtainable documents looted.
– All collectibles (dinosaur bones, rock carvings, dreamcatchers, etc) collected and their associated missions completed.
– All trinkets and talismans crafted. Some legendary animal parts retained. (Does not affect gameplay.)
– Exhaustible in-world items collected. (Rock Statue, Skull Statue, Female Fertility Statue, Fertility Statue, Ammolite, Fluorite, Shrunken Head, both Meteorites, Ancient Arrowhead, Abalone Shell Fragment, Cobalt Petrified Wood, etc.)
– All missables collected, including Jack’s Drawing, Dutch’s Spurs, Pearson’s Scout Jacket, and Uncle’s Outfit.
– Both Night Folk notes collected (as Murphy Brood are better covered in the story).
– One document obtained with the Photo Mode glitch: Letter from Tilly.
– All sketches/entries possible for Arthur have been done accordingly. The only sketches/entries done by John are those exclusive to him in the Epilogue.
– Sketches available for both Arthur and John are sketched as each. (Cave Hermit, Hermit Man, Tree King, Blind Man Cassidy, Strange Statues, etc.)