RDR – Contracts Mod

RDR – Contracts Mod
This mod adds new, auto generated, contract missions for you to play.
Over 22 different mission scenarios with hundreds of possbile variations, difficuly levels, challenges and locations!
Make the best of your weapons and skills and earn money by accepting contracts and assassinating targets around the game’s world.
– Over 22 different mission scenarios with different difficuly levels.
– Dozens of different locations each mission can take place in the game’s world.
– UI for reviewing and managing your contracts.
– Challenges & Rewards system: each mission has 3 auto generated challenges you can complete for additional rewards.
– Bonuses for hanging your targets using TieYourLasso mod! (minimum version 3.2.0)
– Some targets are wealthier than others, some are outlaws. Keep and eye for opportunities to make extra profit!
– Game’s missions are always in priority – you don’t have to worry about conflicts with the mod’s added missions.
– Some contract targets will affect your honor.
– Download and install AB’s ScripthookRDR2: http://www.dev-c.com/rdr2/scripthookrdr2/
– Make sure you have an asi loader, it usually comes along with Scripthook.
– Remove previous versions of the mod (.asi file only), if you have any installed.
– Copy Contracts.asi and Contracts.dat to the game’s main installation folder.
– If you’re interested in TieYourLasso bonuses, download and install it as well (minimim version 3.2.0).
How to play
– Head towards the nearest major town (Valentine, St Denis, Strawberry, Blackwater, Annesburg, Tumbleweed and so on).
– Keep an eye for peds offering you contracts.
– Interact with the ped to accept it.
– View the new contract’s details by pressing F1 after accepting it.
– Head over to the mission’s location and track down your target.
– Assassinate it. Don’t forget about the challenges!
– Escape the area if you’re wanted.
– Go to a post office and collect your payment!
– If you don’t like a mission, want to review your active missions, you are able manage your accepted contracts with the GUI: set up a camp or simply rest in place to open up the mod’s menu.
– Note: you can only have one active mission per town at a time.
– If you found a bug and want to report it, please attach your Contracts.dat and Contracts.log files.
– Missions will be locked if their start location is too close to your’s when you accept them, or if the game was loaded in their area.
Simply move a way until the blip is unlocked.
Special thanks
LMS and Konstantinos96b – for all the help with researching!