LMS Trainer ini file w/ All Guns, All Actions, More Models 0.7 | 1.5.2

LMS Trainer ini file w/ All Guns, All Actions, More Models 0.7 | 1.5.2
An .INI file for Lenny’s Simple Trainer, Adds all of the actions, Guns and more Models.
Installation: Go into the Rockstar launcher, Goto settings then click on “Red Dead Redemption 2” Then click on the “OPEN” button next to “View Installation Folder” Once the folder opens drag and drop the file(s) into the folder and either start the game or click “Reload Settings” inside of the menu.
What’s New in Version 0.7 | 1.5.2
Added 2 Extra Rally KKK Members, Moved all 3 of them up to the start and changed the name from a hash to a string.
Added new MSP “Mission Specific Peds”
Added new RE “Random Event” Peds
Added the Red Chestnut Arabian!
Big thanks to gulsh#6025 & jmxd#9366 for finding the new peds and horse! This wouldn’t have been possible without them