Cut Horse Coats Restored Mod

Cut Horse Coats Restored Mod
Restores some of the cut horse coats left over in the game files.
I wanted to make a mod that restores the few cut horse coats in the game, there aren’t very many left over in the files but I did find a few..
Lenny’s Mod Loader
Here’s a list of the horses included in this mod:
-John’s original Silver Bay Thoroughbred that appeared only as a corpse in Chapter 1. Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s any way for the embroidered saddle to appear on NPC John’s horse (but if you find a way, let me know).
-A cut Speckled White Arabian coat
-The Liver Chestnut Hungarian Half-bred, which many people theorize was intended to be Arthur’s Boadicea.
-A Mealy Chestnut Breton that was supposed to appear as a corpse in the Owlhoot Family mission, the horse doesn’t actually appear in the mission though and is therefore cut content.
-A Scarred Dappled Black Chestnut American Standardbred (I believe this one’s cut, the coat definitely is). Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to completely restore the coat so some scarring remains but I did do a bit of touching up to make the horse look better.
If you want to replace a different horse than the ones I chose, simply rename the .ymt to the horse you’d like to replace. You install the mod by dropping the .ymt files into your lml > stream folder and you should be good to go.