Better Chapter 2 save game unattainable outfits Mod

Better Chapter 2 save game unattainable outfits Mod
This is my chapter 2 save game unattainable outfits but better and has a lot more then my older one
this a chapter 2 save game with unattainable outfits but better first
the outfits and updates
4 unattainable outfits are
the low honor Whittemore(you can make good one if you want)
the police outfit
the mayor party outfit (fixed) pants are now the right ones
And Arthurs closed winter coat (fixed) it is now the 1.00 one that’s means you can become shirtless if you take off coat and also has no suspenders and now has brown Gloves)
and now has the Union suit But NOT SAVED
new stuff
It has all challenges done now
all legendary animals killed
I done a lot more missions now the save it is up to
{The Thomas downs mission}
that’s really all and enjoy the better one